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"A Tradition of Excellence
Since 1929"

Chapter History
In Fall of 2013, eight unique individuals came together with one purpose in mind: to bring a known, cultured and well-established organization to the campus of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. They didn't want to just establish any fraternity - they wanted to establish a fraternity that has been held to a standard of Excellence for more than 80 years. With the guidance of their PM Mr. Jeff Han (University of Arizona, Kappa Chapter), their PD Mr. Andrew Chang (San Jose State University, Delta Chapter) & brothers/alumni from all over the nation - they were taught strong lessons of Brotherhood and the rest of the pillars established by the original six founding fathers in 1929. These 8 determined young men were:
1) Mr. Christopher Akira Jordan Ajimura
2) Mr. Phil Soo Kim
3) Mr. Rondel Baraoidan
4) Mr. Andrew Lee
5) Mr. Barry Abarquez
6) Mr. Ikaika Camanse
7) Mr. Mark Anthony Rivera-Co
8) Mr. Raymond Liang
Thus, the colony of Pi Alpha Phi at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas was established on November 17, 2013.

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