"A Tradition of Excellence
Since 1929"

What is recruitment?
Recruitment refers to a week-long period in which fraternities and sororities hold events for prospective members. These events are made for potential members to get to know the organization and it's members to see if it is right for them. Examples of these recruitment events may include BBQs, pool parties, game nights, joint socials with a sorority, and other kinds of mixers.
Remember, there is no obligation or commitment to join during the recruitment period and all the events are free. If you do need a ride to an event, we will provide transportation for you.
At the end of the recruitment period, our fraternity will hand out bids, or formal invitations, to prospective members to join our fraternity.
Come out and enjoy as many events as you can so you may be able to meet the bros and see if the organization is right for you!
Have any questions about recruitment? Contact our recruitment chair(s) !